Saudi Arabia (MNN) — Mission Network News hardly ever talks about ministry in Saudi Arabia. It's not because it's not happening. It is. But it's one of the most difficult places to be a Christian, let alone do ministry. That's what makes this next story so profound.
"Maryam" is a Saudi woman, and she's done something so unusual she's taking the internet by storm. According to Mahabat News, she is the first modern day Saudi woman to announce her faith in Jesus Christ on YouTube.
Todd Nettleton with
Voice of the Martyrs is amazed. "To see a Saudi woman put her face–even though it's veiled, but to put her face on the internet and say, 'I'm not a Muslim any more. I'm a Christian now.' She basically is signing her own death warrant."
According to reports, this video has made Saudi officials extremely angry. It is to the extent that they called to take necessary measures to deal with Christian evangelism in Saudi Arabia. Nettleton says, "It's being talked about even at the highest levels of the government. [They're saying], 'Hey wait a minute, our young people are leaving Islam. They're following Christianity. We've got to put a stop to it.' And over 1 million people have already watched the video on YouTube."
Nettleton tells about his thoughts when he saw this. "The first thought I had was the incredible courage it took to do that. The second thought is just the excitement that even in Saudi Arabia, which we don't talk about it very often, God is reaching people. Muslims are having dreams and visions. They're seeing Jesus Christ, and they're coming to know Him and believe in Him."
In any western nation, this wouldn't be a big deal. In Saudi Arabia, however, "The Saudi government says Saudis are 100% Muslim. And so, she basically is renouncing that and putting a target, really, on her back."
Why is Saudi Arabia rejecting all other religions? Nettleton suggests, "The Saudi government bills themselves as the guardian of Islam's holy sites–not only to guard those sites in a security sense, but also to guard those sites spiritually and not allow Christianity to even have a foothold on the Arabian Peninsula."
Nettleton is issuing a call to prayer, especially now. "It is the middle of Ramadan. Muslims all over the Arabian Peninsula are fasting and praying and seeking God. Let us pray that they find Him, just as this lady did in a dream when Jesus came to her. Let us pray that many more Muslims will meet Jesus."
While this is a surprising story coming out of Saudi Arabia, it's not the only story in the Middle East. The Mohabat report also indicates that a Kuwaiti prince has given his heart to Christ. Nettleton isn't surprised. "You know, as we see the Gospel coming into some of these countries, it's only natural that it will reach all walks of life. So when we see political leaders or people within the royal family, obviously that's very exciting because they are in positions of influence, and they have a chance to really make a difference. So it's a hopeful sign."
What kind of work is VOM doing in Saudi Arabia? Nettleton says, "VOM is involved in several ways in work on the Arabian Peninsula, but I can't really tell you any more than that."
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You can watch the video by clicking here.
Dear Mission Network:
I am an American Christian living in Colorado. There is a high probability that I will be working in ***** **** in the near future. I hope to be able to connect with some Christians in **** with the prospect that my wife and I will be living there over the next year. I understand that you don’t know me and given the circumstances would be concerned about giving out sensitive information. I can put you in contact with the elder(s) of the church that I have been attending in ***** for the last three years to answer any questions you may have.
Please let me know if you would willing to assist in this situation.
In Christ’s love,
Hi Jace:
Thanks for the note. However, let me caution you NEVER tell the world that you’ll be going into a country where it’s challenging to share the Gospel. While I would love to give you names of individuals we work with, but I don’t know them by their real names. So, I’m not going to be much help to you. God bless you in your new adventure.
Muslims may fight with their floggings, torture and constrictions against Christianity, but the word of God is powerful than any two edged sword (hebrews 4:12-13). They may have physical weapons, but we will fight only with the gospel. They may mute us and kill us, but the gospel cannot be muted nor restrained. And the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church of God.
To God Almighty be the glory forever. May Christians everywhere continue to fight the war on their knees in prayer for the freedom of muslims.
God loves muslims! And He can give them salvation TODAY. No need to fear judgement day!