Malaysia (MNN) — Questioning of Americans points to need for long-term relational ministry in Malaysia
Eritrea (MNN) — Three pastors among hundreds of Eritrean Christians spending Christmas in prison
United States (MNN) — There’s a new legislative bill in town… but what will it do?
India (MNN) — The Indian government is tightening restrictions on foreign funding for NGOs.
International (MNN) — “Pray for us,” is their first request.
Malaysia (MNN) — Pray for truth to be revealed.
Pakistan (MNN) — Another young Christian is sentenced to death under Pakistan’s notorious blasphemy laws.
MENA (MNN) — Bible translators put their lives on the line even after the work is done.
Pakistan (MNN) — Judge grants bail to at least 52 Muslims accused of killing an elderly Christian man over a false blasphemy accusation.
North Korea (MNN) — Christians will reach North Koreans with the Gospel by any means.