International (MNN) — The Sammy Tippit Ministries Discipleship App has launched, putting Sammy Tippit’s daily devotions and other resources in easy access on your phone. The app features training for evangelism and leading small groups, and even content from historical Christian thinkers. Learn more about the app here.
Translation work
Now, Tippit says the app is being translated into 12 more languages. “Someone can go through it here in the United States, in English. And then in another country, they can [work with] someone going through the discipleship portion in that language in that country. Whether it’s Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, Farsi, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, we’ll have that. All those will be out by the end of August.”
Tippit hopes the app could be useful for students, especially as more people come to live in the U.S. from other countries. “There’s a Christian school that I spoke at recently, and they have 1000 international students on their campus. Well, if these students would go through the app in English they could, in their home country, bring people through it. And if they want to share Christ with them, they’ll learn how to do that.”
Download the app for free by searching “Sammy Tippit Discipleship” in the Apple app store or Google Play. Ask God to provide for this translation work.
(Header photo courtesy of Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)