Russia (MNN) — Russia may not be getting over COVID-19 quickly, but the Holy Spirit is moving as many are coming to Christ.
India recently passed Russia as having the fourth-most confirmed COVID-19 cases in the world. But Russia hasn’t left the virus behind, says Eric mock of Slavic Gospel Association.
Many people in Russia are suffering and dying from “double pneumonia,” cases, even if these are not officially counted as COVID-19. “In the midst of this, the government basically has removed restrictions saying everything is back to normal. This has been a fascinating transition because, as we’ve been saying in previous interviews, Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus are basically about four weeks behind [the US]. Yet when they began easing restrictions, it was almost identical to the time that we did it as well.”

This is Alla, a 20-year-old student who the church helped with groceries through Christ Over COVID. (Photo courtesy of SGA on Facebook)
The work of the Church in Russia
But as the government shrugs, the Church in Russia is stepping up and reaching out to suffering people. SGA supports these churches through their Christ Over COVID program. “We’re hearing stories of where one family, who themselves were impoverished, was heading out one day to help in a community. And what they discovered in situation after situation were single-parent homes. Mothers in this current crisis couldn’t even feed their children. And to show up with a bag of groceries, they looked at that and they said, ‘This is evidence that God has not forgotten us. Please tell us about the Gospel.’”
Mock describes COVID-19 as one of the greatest crisis the Church has ever seen on a global scale. But he is excited that many people are turning to Christ even as the pandemic causes so much mayhem and loss.
As lives are being transformed in the present, Mock says, “We look to a future time in which as, as the Apostle Paul says, especially in 1 Corinthians 15, all things are made new. We look towards a new heaven and a new earth and a new time in which all sin is gone and all tears have been dried up.”
You can get involved with the Christ Over COVID program and support churches in Russia as they spread help and hope.
The header image shows Moscow during the lockdown. (Image by Анна Иларионова from Pixabay)