Former Soviet Union (MNN) — 2020 brought a global pandemic that has killed millions and wrecked economic structures.
Former Soviet Union (MNN) — 2020 brought a global pandemic that has killed millions and wrecked economic structures.
Russia (MNN) — Russia became the first country to approve a vaccine for use, named Sputnik V.
Uzbekistan (MNN) — Uzbekistan is drafting a new religion law to bring all religious expression under strict governmental oversight.
Russia (MNN) — Russian laws do not protect women from domestic abuse, but the Gospel is changing hearts and lives all around the country.
Russia (MNN) — Russia may not be getting over COVID-19 quickly, but the Holy Spirit is moving as many are coming to Christ.
Russia (MNN) — We have reported on Slavic Gospel Association’s new Christ Over COVID program. Today, we’re looking at a few stories of people this program has helped.
Russia (MNN) — As Russia languishes under COVID-19, the Church in Russia has been bringing aid and sharing the Gospel. Now you can help.