International (MNN) — If something has held you back from serving the Lord through missions, maybe 2015 is a time for change.
“I just encourage you to take that step and to go, and to obey the call to go and make disciples,” says Brynn Thompson, Manager of International Missions for Buckner International.
“It’s one of the most unique opportunities I think I have ever had, personally. It completely puts you out of your comfort zone, but it really opens your eyes to the body of believers out there.”
Go with Buckner
Buckner has a variety of opportunities, Thompson shares, ranging from one-month experiences for college students to group mission trips.
Throughout 2015, “We are sending teams to Mexico, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Peru, Ethiopia, and Russia,” says Thompson. Find trip dates here.
“We’re just excited for 2015 and the opportunities that God has given us to go and serve.”
Serving Christ alongside Buckner isn’t just for Western Christians, though.
“You wouldn’t even have to meet up with a trip if you’re [already] in the country,” Thompson notes.
“We would get you plugged in with the actual NGO staff that’s on-the-ground, and they would get you plugged in with different volunteer opportunities.”
Send a note to [email protected] to learn more.
Go with confidence
Going on your first short-term mission trip can be intimidating. But that’s why Buckner’s “mission coordinators” exist. Thompson says this team walks through each step of the process with potential go-ers, answering questions and surrounding them in prayer.
Listed here are some helpful FAQs for your consideration.
Deciding to go shouldn’t be a choice surrounded by fear, says Thompson.
“We prepare all our trip participants before [we leave] and go through several different trainings, just to ready everybody,” she says reassuringly.
“Everything will be different, but once you’re there on-the-ground, I have seen time and time again the Holy Spirit bring a peace and calm over everybody and just this excitement to serve.”
Take your first step by contacting Buckner. You can find their office number here.