International (MNN) – On a planet with a population over 7 billion, reaching every home with the gospel in 20 years requires a great team, plenty of materials, and lots of support. It may seem too ambitious to some, but the OIKOS wants to do just that through World Missionary Press and Every Home for Christ.
An Ambitious Goal
From 2019 until 2038, Every Home for Christ is ramping up outreach to make the organization’s name a reality. Named the OIKOS Initiative, this effort requires support, volunteers, and on the ground action. From the beginning, Every Home for Christ knew they’d need the support of the body of Christ and their long-time partner World Missionary Press.
“They took quite a bit of time to plan this and lay it out. And then when it came to implementation and introducing it to their people, they wanted world missionary press to be involved in those discussions because…they told us, ‘we’re going to need more material and we’re going to need it on a continuing basis,’” says Helen Williams of World Missionary Press.
The Plan

(Photo courtesy of World Missionary Press)
World Missionary Press will supply the materials and literature to those going out into the field ministering and establishing churches. The monumental task will require continued production of these materials over the next 20 years. Efforts are already underway and shipments of materials have already been delivered to eager hands.
“I get emails almost every day from one of them around the world saying, ‘okay, when is our next shipment coming? We’re down to not having much to use, and we’ve got people waiting.’ And so they’re really ready to go out and they’re covering their area, their geographical area that they’ve been assigned, and they need this material. So it’s a big challenge. But it’s great to be part of because, you know, the Scriptures are very clear that if we don’t have that vision, if we don’t have God’s heart, the harvest…will not be reaped as it should and we believe that the harvest is there and ready,” Williams says.
Currently, World Missionary Press has 19 open orders for 20 million booklets that are needed on the ground. It’s not a matter of printing a few million booklets; many different languages are needed, so shipments must be specialized. The organization prints Scripture booklets and Bible studies in close to 350 languages.
A Decades-Old Partnership
For around 30 years World Missionary Press and Every Home for Christ have been joining forces and working together. Long before OIKOS, the latter provided boots on the ground while the former supplied the materials. The organizations regularly work together in 30-40 countries, uniting under their shared vision.
“It’s a deep relationship and one that we both treasure… It’s developed over the years. And as they reach into more places, and as they stretch themselves, we are right behind them with the seeds to sow and the tools to help,” Williams says.
Join the Mission
The OIKOS Initiative is a major undertaking and could use all the aid it can get.
Please donate to support the printing of these materials. For those with a calling or connection towards a particular country, your funds can be designated to support specific printings and shipments.
Stay connected via regular updates on shipments, printings, and stories from the ground via the Missionary World Press e-newsletter here.

(Photo courtesy World Missionary Press)
“I think people will be encouraged by that, to see the process and see how it’s used and see how the Lord
uses it and, and feel a part of it,” Williams says.
She asks that believers pray for the safety of staff and machinery and for wisdom assembling shipments. Pray for speed of delivery and response as they get literature into waiting hands.
Pray for the many volunteers that make these deliveries possible.
“We believe that the Spirit is here and we’re just so glad to be part of it. And, and we appreciate the prayer and the support that we’ve had from so many and just encourage listeners that the Lord is working around the world. Some places we know about, some places we don’t know all that’s going on. But the Word of God is not bound and there are believers everywhere, following the Lord’s command to go and share the Word and so is this is just exciting,” Williams says.