China (MNN) — Bibles for China continues despite new religious regulations
China (MNN) — Bibles for China continues despite new religious regulations
Cambodia (MNN) — BFTW is handing out scripture at an evangelistic event
International (MNN) — Persecution could prevent unreached people groups from hearing the Gospel
Syria (MNN) — The death of the leader of ISIS isn’t calming Christian persecution
International (MNN) — Mountains of work remain for Great Commission
Jordan (MNN) – Scriptural illiteracy is a challenge crossing centuries.
World Missionary Press and Every Home for Christ join forces to widen reach.
Lebanon (MNN) — The Syrian refugee crisis is straining Lebanon’s economy
Jordan (MNN) — Arab church leaders need theological education, PTEE is providing it
Jordan (MNN) — What do you think of when you hear the word “Arab”?