Cambodia (MNN) — In Cambodia, 47 percent of the population doesn't drink clean water simply because they can't afford filters. Others simply don't know the importance of clean water, and a large number suffer from diarrhea and waterborne illnesses.
In many countries, the ease of buying clean water or having it available in your home is taken for granted.
Far East Broadcasting Company is helping people learn more about hygiene, irrigation, the science of wells, and providing clean water for livestock in two new radio programs. One
is called The Well of Life–a drama that runs five days a week for 5 minutes. The other is a 30-minute spot that is simply informative.
Listeners also hear how water and wells are a symbol of rebirth and life for Christians. FEBC Cambodia staff travel around giving out radios so more people can hear the message. They get feedback on their programs, and most importantly, they give families water filters. It is a small thing that can change lives.
If you'd like to donate to families who need water filters, go here .