Horn of Africa (MNN) — In March, April and May, the “long rains” come to the Horn of Africa — or at least they are supposed to.
Horn of Africa (MNN) — In March, April and May, the “long rains” come to the Horn of Africa — or at least they are supposed to.
Kenya (MNN) — More than two billion people around the world don’t have regular access to safe water, including many in Kenya.
Horn of Africa (MNN) — Drought has brought a deepening food security crisis to millions of people in the Horn of Africa.
USA (MNN) — Muellers remembered with celebration of life service.
Kenya (CAM) — A cup of cold water in Jesus’ name transforms village chief.
Kenya (MNN) — One in four people worldwide lacks access to clean water.
International (MNN) — Millions of people worldwide lack clean water to drink.
Kenya (MNN) — Bore wells allow Kenya Hope to meet physical and spiritual needs.
Pakistan (MNN) — Catastrophic flooding displaced 33 million people.
Pakistan (MNN) — Wet conditions have also allowed mosquitoes to breed and spread malaria.