Jordan (MN) – Program for Theological Education by Extension is 100 percent supported by donor funding. The organization does what its name says: it provides theological education by extension throughout the Arab world. PTEE accomplishes this by using donor support to offer affordable classes.
Support Advancing the Kingdom
During the next 10 days, PTEE is raising support through its Advancing the Kingdom Matching Campaign, running from November 9 – November 19.
However, this giving campaign has a couple of exciting twists. A generous donor has agreed to match up to $25,000, meaning PTEE could raise $50,000. There is one condition; PTEE must gain 50 new donors. All donations are used to provide affordable theological education and church leadership training among Arab Christians.
“In Egypt where there are about 98 million people. There are as man churches in Dallas, Texas as there are in the entire country of Egypt,” PTEE’s Director of Communications Kris Kuhlman says.
“So, our goal is to train church leaders, to train pastors who are indigenous, who are Arabs, who are working in these churches to give them the training to equip them with the Biblical knowledge and the skills to advance the Kingdom of God in this unreached part of the world.”
In some countries, like Syria or Iraq, there are no seminaries or Bible colleges. If an individual wants theological education, he or she has to leave not just their family, city, and church, but even their country for many years. The churches and the families would be losing leaders who may or may not return.
Still, studying abroad is not exactly an option due to the economies of where Arab Christians live. For some, their entire income goes to rent, food, bills, and their children’s education. There are no leftover funds to invest in themselves. This is what makes PTEE so strategic and unique.
PTEE on Growing the Arab Church
PTEE provides education right where these church leaders live. Plus, thanks to generous donors, PTEE provides 3-credit courses at an affordable cost. Students only need to pay a small registration fee averaging at $10. This education structure removes the two barriers keeping church leaders from growing theologically.
PTEE partners with World Ventures to make donations from the United States tax deductible. There are no minimum donation requirements for the campaign. If you can only spare $5, then $5 is enough. Plus, PTEE is up for the matching challenge to gain 50 new donors. Will you help?
“We’re excited by this challenge because we absolutely want to widen our donor base. For the first time, we’re having Arab churches become investors and partners with PTEE. We’re looking to spread to Australia, to Europe. The United States has been the most faithful and the most generous donors, but we are looking to increase our partnership with churches and individuals,” Kuhlman says.
“Especially for people who have never given to PTEE, but really have a heart for the Arab world or the Arab church, now is the time to invest in these Arab brothers and sisters who are toiling, who are sowing the seeds of the kingdom in this part of the world. So, we are asking, we are praying for 50 new donors knowing that during this campaign, your gift will be matched.”
Give to PTEE’s Advancing the Kingdom Matching Campaign and help invest in and grow the Church in the Arab world.
Will you pray, too? Pray God would bring the 50 new donors needed for the giving campaign. Finally, pray for your Arab brothers and sisters who are working to advance Gospel in the Arab world.