India (MNN) — Political tensions in India are rising, and nationalists are pushing for a Hindu government. As the situation escalates, a key ministry leader says that Christians are feeling the fallout.
“The government is putting pressure on Christian churches so that they’ll slow down their activities,” this leader (who has asked that he and his organization not be named) tells us. “In some areas, workers have been killed, prosecuted, and pressured, and it’s pretty significant in some of the regions that are more dangerous.”
Thanks to the nature of their work, not much pressure has been directed at this leader or the organization that he represents.
“We come alongside not just pastors and NGO leaders but also businesspeople,” the leader explains. “In fact, we just had a session in the north part of India with some of the top business leaders in the country.”

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However, even though they can still encourage, equip, and empower, the people they’re sending out are running into problems.
“We want to retain the ability to be able to serve the body of Christ in the country,” this leader says. “We definitely need your prayer, because our folks are feeling it, and they’re saying we need to be more and more cautious as we do the work we do.”
Thankfully, things have not escalated to the level of life-threatening persecution. However, the pressure is building against this leader’s organization and their partners in India. “When you talk about pressure, that’s more along the lines of a threat,” he says. “Instead of actually being killed, someone might call you and say ‘You need to stop what you’re doing or we’ll take out your daughter. We know where she goes to school.’”
He also believes this situation could be resolved through one-on-one conversations that reveal the grace of Christ. “We can paint a picture of Christ’s work as not having some sort of political agenda or having strings attached to it,” adding, “Rather, we’re trying to embody our faith, to be the hands and feet of Christ and share the good news we have to offer.”

(Photo courtesy of Unsplash)
“Our faith is not about politics, it’s not about some nationalist move, and we’re not trying to take over the country. We’re merely trying to be the light of Christ.”
As some nationalists become more hostile, this leader is asking for your help and support so his organization, and other helping organizations, can continue to bring the Gospel to India. “Please pray, because this is a critical season as persecution and pressure are on the rise, and it’s directly happening to groups we partner with, as well as to many other ministries.”