China (MNN) — China celebrates the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the country.
China (MNN) — China celebrates the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the country.
India (MNN) — Modi, BJP win second term; believers anticipate problems
China (MNN) — What can the American Church learn from nationalization push in China?
India (MNN) — In wake of 2018 World Hindu Congress, reminder to pray for Indian Christians
China (MNN) — New pressure sees China’s underground churches pulled into the spotlight
International (MNN) — Pew study reveals heightened pressure on Christians and Muslims
International (MNN) — What happens when nationalism threatens the faith walk?
India (MNN) — Video highlights anti-Christian sentiment in India
India (MNN) — As nationalists push for India to become a Hindu nation, Christians are feeling the pressure build. one ministry shares how you can pray.
India (MNN) — Seven states now hold an anti-conversion law