United States (MNN) — Podcasts are all the rage in the United States. Last year, 12 million new people became podcast listeners, and the time spent listening jumped 31-percent from two years ago.
MNN’s sister ministry, Prayercast, is joining the fray. “OneVoice will launch as an audio podcast on March 8th,” OneWay Ministries’ Director of Prayercast and MNN Chris Ruge says.
“OneVoice is a new product of our Prayercast ministry and is focused on trying to rally the Church around the world to pray for timely and relevant needs.”
MNN brings you current events through the lens of the Great Commission. In contrast, “the key distinctive with OneVoice is that it’s going to be more personal,” Ruge says.
“We will be hearing from a single person in each episode, briefly sharing what they’re seeing around them.”
The premiere episode of OneVoice focuses on Afghanistan and shows you how the headlines affect individuals. “[It talks] about an artist who is seeing the Taliban painting over all of the art around them,” Ruge says.
“That’s not something we’ll necessarily hear in a newscast. But it’s a personal point of view that most of us outside of Afghanistan don’t have access to.”
Next Tuesday, you can subscribe to OneVoice and pray alongside believers worldwide. “Anywhere people get their typical podcast feeds, they’ll be able to find us; just search for ‘OneVoice,’” Ruge says.
“The podcasts are going to be short and will be released weekly; just a few minutes to listen to somebody in Afghanistan, to hear in their own words what they’re seeing, and then to join them in prayer.”
Learn more about OneWay Ministries here. “OneWay Ministries is all about reaching the lost around the world,” Ruge says.
“Scripture shows us there’s nothing more powerful we can do to reach the lost around the world than to pray. All of the work we do in Mission Network News and Prayercast and with OneVoice is to bring people together in unique ways to pray for the lost.”
Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of Mohammed Metri/Unsplash.