International (MNN) — What are you doing at 1:11 PM today? What about tomorrow? The Alliance for the Unreached invites you to set aside 1:11 PM for 33 days in a row to pray for the unreached.
About 3 billion people have no way to hear the story of Jesus.
The challenge begins on Pentecost Sunday, June 5. Marv Newell is the executive director of the Alliance for the Unreached. He says, “We’re hoping that people will stop and pray for an unreached people group or for unreached people in general. There are tools that they can use to do that. There’s this app by Joshua Project that picks one unreached people group of the day. People can access that and read about a people group that could be prayed for.”
Take a look at the Unreached of the Day app from the Joshua Project, available on Google Play and the Apple Store.
“It doesn’t need to be just a nebulous prayer.”
Pentecost Sunday marks the time when the Holy Spirit came in power upon the early Christians. For the last seven years, many believers have celebrated International Day for the Unreached on the same day.
Newell says, “As that developed over time, we consolidated into a network called the Alliance for the Unreached. More and more mission agencies and churches joined us and joined this alliance, and we got affiliated officially.”
A Third of Us
The A Third of Us movement brings awareness about the roughly one-third of people on Earth that have no access to the story of Jesus. The movement uses a symbol of three lines, with one set apart from the others.
Learn more and find ways to get involved here. Newell says, “We need to remember this: the Great Commission is for every believer to obey. We can pray, give, or go ourselves.”
Header photo courtesy of A Third of Us on Facebook.