International (MNN) — “‘Are we attached to a monument, or are we living in a movement?'” Stephen Wesley asks.
International (MNN) — “‘Are we attached to a monument, or are we living in a movement?'” Stephen Wesley asks.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — A new president with Marxist leanings leaves believers with an uncertain future.
Tanzania (MNN) — God brings Bibles from Mission Cry over land and sea to reach a Kenyan prison.
USA (MNN) — If you’re into podcasts, you might want to check out the new one from Ron Hutchcraft Ministries.
USA (MNN) — Some critics say the events of recent weeks are not true revival but emotion-driven hype.
USA (MNN) — What defines the spiritual revival coming out of Asbury University?
Cyprus (MNN) — That’s when everything changed for Shiva and Petros, a married Iranian couple.
Gaza Strip (MNN) — You never know what reaching one person for Christ can do.
MENA (MNN) — Many in the Middle East and North Africa are ostracized for religious reasons.
India (MNN) — Persecution may be ramping up in India, but so is the work of the Holy Spirit.