Burkina Faso (MNN) — Girls going to school in Burkina Faso? It's unheard of. Boys are favored in this nation's patriarchal society. Christian World Outreach swims against the cultural tide by offering girls vocational training and literacy skills at the Village of Opportunity.
And they're doing it in style this year with new dorms, facilities, and a well system. See pictures of the new facilities on CWO's Facebook page. Donors provided all of the funds needed to build these new additions, and the ministry will have no debt to pay off.
Girls are the underdogs of Burkina Faso society; an education creates many opportunities for them. The Christ-centered training facility helps women recognize their value and learn a vocational skill that helps them provide for their families. Classes in sewing, agriculture, and cosmetology are currently offered, with classes in cooking and event planning coming in the near future. Students will also take courses in small business to help them manage the business world.
Click here to support the Village of Opportunity.
All 30 students have dedicated themselves to a week of prayer in preparation for the start of classes next week. Won't you join them?
Pray for increased confidence and knowledge. Ask God to protect these girls from criticism or discrimination.
Most of the girls participating in CWO's Village of Opportunity program come from animist or Muslim villages. Pray that they would find the Lord through this ministry.