Haiti (MNN) — Gangs continue their chokehold on Haiti, but not everything is hopeless.
Haiti (MNN) — Gangs continue their chokehold on Haiti, but not everything is hopeless.
Burkina Faso (MNN) — CWO is determined to keep the Village of Opportunity open.
Nigeria (MNN) — Like countless Christian girls in Nigeria, Blessing’s life was anything but easy.
Burkina Faso (MNN) — Village of Opportunity is giving girls a hand up!
North Africa (CAM) — A young man taking classes from local missionaries was depressed and angry – and carrying a lethal weapon.
Syria (MNN) — Triumphant Mercy gives aide and hope to departing refugees.
South Sudan (MNN) — Despite ongoing chaos in South Sudan, a new missionary training school equips church planters with the ‘grace to do’.
Honduras (MNN) — Opening doors for nursing education
Ghana (MNN) — Team ministering to former shrine slaves in Ghana.
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Congo’s sorrow answered by the Gospel