International (MNN) — What will 2022 bring for persecuted Christians around the world?
Todd Nettleton with The Voice of the Martyrs USA talks about areas to watch in the new year. “You talk about the rise of radical Islam in Africa. You talk about Nigeria and also about northern Mozambique or the Sahel. We see the rise of radical Islam in all of these places. And where you see that, you see persecution. You see attacks on churches and pastors being killed.”
Nettleton also expects a lot of news out of China this year, starting with the Winter Olympics in February. The Chinese Communist Party faces genocide accusations over the treatment of the Uighur people. As a result, the U.S. and a few other countries have announced diplomatic boycotts of the winter games.
Nettleton says, “The world is going to turn its eyes to China. The world in many ways is going to celebrate what’s happening in China. Hopefully, that will be a call to prayer for Christians everywhere as we think about the restrictions that our brothers and sisters in China face, as we think about the pastors and the church leaders who are in prison right now in China.”
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You can also get information from the Voice of the Martyrs. Nettleton says, “We have the testimonies of persecuted Christians. We have conversations with people who are working on the ground in hostile and restricted nations. Both of those are great ways to continue to be updated and aware.”
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Header photo courtesy of The Voice of the Martyrs USA on Facebook.