Indonesia (MNN) — This Sunday, millions of people around the world will gather for the Global Day of Prayer. In Indonesia alone, the event will occur in over 100 places simultaneously.
Living Water International’s Dennis Anderson is on a team currently in Jakarta. Anderson is excited about the timing of the trip as they’ll get to participate in an GDOP 2006 event in Jakarta. “We’re trying to open up works in Southeast Asia and East Asia. We’re privileged to be in Indonesia at the same time as the Global Day of Prayer, which we’re told is going to involve some 500-million intercessors across the world.”
The team is also in Indonesia to make connections for future projects. Living Water’s goal while there is to identify needs and begin projects to provide safe drinking water. Anderson says it’s a great need throughout the country. “Indonesia’s made up of some 17,000 islands and water is a serious problem even in the capitol city I’m told. Good drinking water’s hard to find even in the capitol city, and as you might have seen pictures of Indonesia, its many islands are filled with water, but the water is not potable, not available for human consumption.”
The team will be meeting with local leaders to find out what their involvement might be, says Anderson. “We’ll try to assess the best way we can help them. It might be filtration. It might be brand new wells. It might be replacing pumps. They’ll be a host of possibilities, but the reason for this initial trip is to identify what we can do first.
Water is not the only need, says Anderson, “Some of its infrastructure is also in very bad disarray and plus it’s the most populous Muslim country in the world…it’s made of many nations, many people groups, many unreached people groups that don’t have any ongoing work, any present work at all or some with very little work.”
Working through national partners, Anderson says their desire is to provide people with the Living Water of Christ. “They have a campaign to try to help the poor, but as we see it and as they see it, by helping the poor, opening a door to introduce the Gospel and church planting movements.”
For more information on the Global Day of Prayer, go to their website: www.globaldayofprayer.com.