Indonesia (EFCA) — Something very exciting has happened!
GlobalFingerprints is expanding rapidly, with four new locations since February. You might be wondering ‘What’s GlobalFingerprints?’ It’s the child sponsorship ministry of ReachGlobal. They partner with national churches around the world to send children to school and help care for their physical, spiritual and emotional needs.
Here’s why GlobalFingerprints is excited: launching a program in Indonesia is nothing short of God’s magnificent and mysterious plan. Indonesia is home to nearly 13% of all the world’s Muslims, which makes it the largest Islamic country in the world, followed by Pakistan and India.
Yet, being made up of around 17,500 islands, the religious atmosphere is different on each inhabited island. Several have almost no Christian presence at all.
Reach Global sees this as a unique opportunity to serve children, as well as a chance to show them that God the Father has provided because He loves them.
Children in most parts of Indonesia live in families who earn no more than $2 a day. So it is not unusual for kids to have to quit school by 3rd or 4th grade, because their families cannot afford to send them anymore. Even school supplies, like uniforms, pencils and notebooks are prohibitively expensive.
Many children are sick with preventable diseases, and when they need a doctor, the parents go instead to the local duku (witch doctor).
For many kids, rice is not a side-dish, but the only dish they have to eat.
Though the majority religion is characterized by calls to prayer, mosques, and strict laws, it is really the veneer that covers a belief system steeped in witchcraft, superstitions, and the darkness of Satan’s bondage that reaches back through hundreds of generations.
Island Literacy Network (ILN) is a library-based non-formal education ministry platform that meets educational needs in an Island village. Because of relationships build through ILN, Reach Global’s partners are able to identify and work with kids at risk, and their families. Just as ILN provides an opportunity to support church partners in reaching the unreached,
GlobalFingerprints is also an effective way for us to support their outreach to the unreached, by building a bridge to the families.
Want to get excited? Help build a bridge. Change a child’s life for $35/month in Congo, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Liberia or Zambia.