Uganda (MNN) — Ranked as the third-poorest country in the world and an orphan population making up over 10% of its residents, it’s no wonder Orphan’s Heart chose to send a mission team to the Uganda.
Orphan’s Heart’s mission team returned last Sunday, December 11, after working with Hines Ugandan Ministries. Working with this established ministry in eastern Uganda allowed them to reach the people of Kamonkoli.
The team was led by Orphan’s Heart’s Vice President, Ron Gunter, and team members worked in various areas such as medicine, construction, conducting home visits, and Bible studies.
“All of our roles had a commonality in that they were to glorify God in serving the people of Kamonkoli,” writes team member, Dr. Allen Holmes.
Medical aid is in high demand for the country of Uganda. According to Orphan’s Heart, one out of every six people is infected and dying with AIDs. That’s 4.7 million Ugandan people.
To meet this need, the mission team with Orphan’s Heart was able to acquire and bring over many medications and supplies to help the local medical clinic of Kamonkoli. By the end of the week, they were able to treat over 100 patients.
Part of their outreach ministry included a Ladies’ Christmas Party. They had an incredible turnout of over 100 women. At the party, members were able to distribute 200 pairs of men’s and women’s shoes as gifts.
Along with giving out shoes, they served cake, made crafts, and played games. Their party also included a time of worship and mission team members shared the story of “The Three Trees” outlining the Gospel message.
Construction began for an orphanage in the area as well, and team members put their skills to work. Orphans in Uganda often find themselves sleeping on dirt floors and become susceptible to lice, worms, and many diseases.
Holmes puts out this challenge. “If we would but follow the ‘true religion’ of caring for the widows and orphans as described in James 1:27, we could provide these children and this generation of Kamonkoli a brighter future…Most importantly, it would give them a future basked in and supported by a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.”