Guatemala (MGV) — A recent distribution of MegaVoice audio Bibles took place in San Cristobal and surrounding villages in Guatemala.
Guatemala (MGV) — A recent distribution of MegaVoice audio Bibles took place in San Cristobal and surrounding villages in Guatemala.
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya Hope offers specific prayer needs.
Syria (MNN) — One woman finds hope in Jesus despite a traumatic past
USA (MNN) — Muellers remembered with celebration of life service.
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya’s government warns opposition leaders not to resume protests if ongoing mediation talks don’t go their way.
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya Hope offers widows a path to safety through Widow’s Might.
Kenya (MNN) — You never know what God will do with a conversation at a hair salon.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — He first landed in the Maldives, but it’s unclear what his final destination might be.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Only trains, buses, food trucks, and medical vehicles can fill up.
Kenya (MNN) — Through “Widow’s Might,” Kenya Hope equips widows with the skills they need to support their families.