Operation Blessing first responder to quake zone in Indonesia.

By July 20, 2006

Indonesia (MNN)–Operation Blessing medical teams are in Southern Java, Indonesia providing immediate emergency treatment to victims injured by earthquake damage, falling building debris and tsunami waves.

Within ten hours of the tsunami, OBI had a clinical team on the ground in Pangandaran. Within a day of their arrival, ten Operation Blessing doctors and four nurses had treated 306 patients, bringing relief to the seaside villages.

To date, 26 OBI staff, including two mobile medical teams, centralized relief efforts in the county medical clinic of Batu Hiu.

They’ve also delivered hundreds of emergency packs filled with food, water and emergency aid items to survivors, with plans for two thousand more. As they work, they are demonstrating God’s love by alleviating human need and suffering in the aftermath of the disaster.

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