Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — In the West, we have limitless access to information and, in some cases, resources. For example, if you don’t know how to start your own business, you could do research online or use social networks to connect with nearby business people.
Many Gospel workers in the Middle East/North Africa region lack those opportunities. “What they need is capacity building other than theological education,” Fadi Sharaiha with MENA Leadership Center says.
“[For example:] how to do proper strategy; how to raise funds, how to do volunteer recruitment.”
MENA Leadership Center fills that void. “Christian leaders want to respond to the need [around them]. The problem is they don’t have the right training. That’s why we exist, and that’s who we serve,” Sharaiha says.
MLC currently offers 12 “live” six-week online courses during 2022. Next, they want to add “on-demand” programs. “We are offering many courses, including how to do discipleship for Christians from a non-Christian background,” Sharaiha says.
“Our vision is to have the MENA Leadership Center as a ‘one-stop shop’ for all Christian leaders in the Middle East North Africa area.”
Incorporating marketplace “best practices,” MLC also seeks to serve Christian leaders who live “off the grid” without internet access.
“We are going to be the hub for Christian leaders using both the asynchronous (on-demand) and also the synchronous (live) courses, in addition to on-site training or on-site capacity building,” Sharaiha says.
“For example, in a remote area where the internet is really bad, like Syria, we can gather Christian leaders from certain parts of Syria, then do on-site training for them. That would be more beneficial for them than anything else.”
Connect with MLC here to help train Christian leaders in this critical region.
“We aim to have the best learning experiences in their own native languages for those Christian leaders. For that, my friends, we need your support. We have a matching grant and are short of $15,000,” Sharaiha says.
Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of fauxels/Pexels.