North Africa (MNN) — Many of the things that matter the most take time, and FMI’s cross-cultural ministry is no exception.
North Africa (MNN) — Many of the things that matter the most take time, and FMI’s cross-cultural ministry is no exception.
Pakistan (MNN) — There’s more to “strategic thinking” than just making the best plan to meet future goals.
USA (MNN) — Sexual or financial scandals aren’t the only things weighing down the Body of Christ in the United States.
Japan (MNN) — Ministries linking arms continue to have a Gospel ripple effect.
Middle East (MNN) — “We cannot even plan for the future,” one pastor says.
Israel (MNN) — Israel airstrike targets Hezbollah intelligence headquarters.
Lebanon (MNN) – Lebanon’s first ever Movement Day recently mobilized Christian leaders for greater impact in the Middle East.
Pakistan (MNN) — Christian leaders seek religious freedom training.
International (MNN) — Over 17,000 church leaders have completed the courses.
Afghanistan (MNN) — The father of a murder victim shot and killed the murderer.