Bangladesh (MNN) — The city of Khulna, Bangladesh, is
recovering from recent flooding while watching rain continue to fall.
Sources say thousands of people have lost their homes due to flooding, erosion and landslides triggered by a monsoon that swept across Bangladesh. Many who have managed to keep their homes in one piece are living in submerged houses.
On August 10, the children and families of only three child development centers assisted by
Compassion International and one Child Survival
Program had been affected. Currently, seven Compassion centers and two
Child Survival Programs have been affected.
Child development centers and Child Survival Programs BD-307,
BD-CS8 Child Survival Program, BD-312, BD-313, BD-325, BD-340 have all been
affected. They are located in an area that experiences annual flooding.
Currently, many of the roads are flooded, and communication has been hindered.
Fortunately, all the Compassion-assisted children from these
centers and their families are safe.
Child development center BD-506 and Child Survival Program
BD-CS3 are located in an area that has been severely impacted by the flooding.
The center is distributing dry food and drinking water to the affected
Compassion-assisted families.
Child development center BD-509 is also located in an area
that has been badly affected by the flooding. The homes of at least 50
Compassion-assisted children have been flooded.
If you sponsor a child through Compassion in this affected
area, Compassion will contact you on the status of your child.
Pray for the rains to cease in Khulna. Pray for God's
provision for those whose homes have been flooded, and pray for those families
to cling to Christ and to be a bold witness to others suffering around them.
Compassion supports children across the globe with basic
needs, education, and the message of the Gospel. Learn more about the ministry