Ukraine (MNN) — What does it mean to be a Christian in your office? How can you combine Christian values and business relations?
You’ll get answers for these and other questions at the Next Generation Professional Leaders Initiative (NGPLI) Forum called “The Mission in Your Work.” Mission Eurasia is sponsoring the event scheduled for October 3, 2015 in Kiev, Ukraine.
The coordinator of the Forum, Denis Gorenkov, says, “Those people who take their work as the calling of God can change the society. If we are together, we will be able to make an impact on those who desire to change their countries from their working places.”
The International Youth Forum will focus on three things: Foundations, Prospects, and Movements.
“Foundations” will focus on the Biblical foundations of using your professional calling to represent Christ in the work-place.
“Prospects” opens the way for Christian professionals to use their spiritual influence in different parts of society.
And, “Movements” will tell you how to integrate Christian values and how to model those values with your professional peers.
Denis Gorenkov says, “During the Forum, all the organizations will share their resources.” He adds, “Moreover, based on the conclusions of the Forum, we will create an interactive resource, a Society of Christian Professionals. It will enable all socially-active Christians to work together creatively and effectively.”
The forum will help young people see examples of combining work and their lives as Christians.
Olga Olga Romanenko, an economist, is an example of this. On Facebook she says, “It’s very important not to have worldly values as idols. Money, power, wealth estranges people from God and charity. And of course, it’s a big sense what people do with these resources because power can do lots of good things for the society; money and wealth can serve people.”
Irina Soloshenko is a medical volunteer on the front-line of the war with Russia. “Now I absolutely understand that I am in the right place. Before, I was really worried that I wasn’t at the front. But now I’m sure that I do what God wants me to do here. My future activities somehow will relate to [what] I’m doing now. The Creator has His own plan for me and my life.”
Guests of the forum will include pastor and former prime ministry of Norway Kjell Magne Bondevik, Ukrainian member of parliament Pavel Inguryan, senior Gallup consultant Insur Shamgunov, head of the Center for the fight against corruption Vitaly Shabunin, Bishop Georgy Kovalenko of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, vice president of Ukrainian Catholic University Miroslav Marinovich, economist Olga Romanenko, and the well-known as a singer-songwriter Bria Blessing.
This event is exciting. I have been doing workplace ministry teaching in Eastern Europe for the past 19 years. Have seen a wonderful response from people, including Ukraine. I have written three books on the subject of work. “Victory in the Workplace,” “You, Your Job and Your Nation.” and “Winning over the Routine of Daily Life.” These are available in Russian and other languages as free downloads at our website.
If I could be of assistance to your ministry in any way, please let me know. I am passionate about the value of workplace ministry.
Thank you.
Nate Belkstrom