USA (MNN) — A big project deserves much prayer, as well as more manpower. Wycliffe Bible
Translators knows this well and is creating a Leadership Development Department to help them accomplish Vision 2025 without burning out.
The Vision 2025 goal is to have a translation project in process for every language by 2025. That means the 2000 year process of Bible translation could be completed in our lifetime.
Roy Eyre, director of the Leadership Development Department, explains in Wycliffe's prayer publication, "The Intercessor," that part of the process of developing leaders who
will stay is to give them opportunities for growth. In this way, young recruits will stay
motivated and passionate about the goals set before them and hopefully stay around to see them to completion. In fact, this summer's interns at Wycliffe USA's summer internship program in Orlando, Florida have shown interest in becoming a part of the future Wycliffe team. Pray that their experiences this summer will spark their interest and desire to help in the work of Bible Translation.
Leaders with creativity, integrity, courage, humility and dependence upon Christ are what Wycliffe is looking for. The fledgling department will touch every level of all departments of the ministry. They will give opportunities for increased leadership to those who show passion and potential for growth.
Eyre is asking for prayer for insight and wisdom as he steps into his new position. Pray that the team will be able to think creatively in order to open new doors and lighten
the load of their endeavor toward Vision 2025. Pray that Eyre and the rest of the Leadership Development team will be learners of leadership along this new path.