India (MNN) — At least 20 people have died in Orissa, India due to flooding. At least 12 people remain missing.
Flooding is a result of serious monsoon rains, which have caused large amounts of submergence in both India and Pakistan. One ministry is feeling the effects head on.
Although the school and orphanage in Orissa run by India's Children do not appear to be flooded, the ministry reports that they have undergone damage.
Around the orphanage and school at New Life in Orissa, there is a 9-foot high boundary wall made of bricks. It was put up to protect the children, allowing them to feel safe as they learn about Christ.
When the wall was built, not enough funding had yet come in to complete it. As a result, there is still cement plastering and coloring that has yet to be finished. Now, due to heavy monsoon rains, the unfinished wall is crumbling.
A worker with India's Children reports, "Due to heavy rain fall, the bricks are washed away and being destroyed…. It is very important and urgent to plaster and color the whole boundary [wall], otherwise we are going to lose the boundary soon."
It will take $13,000 to finish the boundary wall fully.
New Life provides unique programs for the community to share with the children the eternal hope and joy of Jesus. Many families in extreme poverty are able to send their children to the school to get an education that may not otherwise have been possible.
If you would like to help meet this need, visit indiaschildren.wordpress.com.