USA (MNN) — You've probably seen the stories. A professional baseball player giving his heart to Christ. A member of a controversial rock band hitting bottom and coming to Jesus. A women with cancer finding peace in death. All of these stories were brought to life through the E3 Partners I Am Second video campaign. Now, there's a book to go with it that will help you share Christ with those who otherwise wouldn't listen.
At I Am Second.com, you can find 80 videos of people–from celebrities to everyday people–telling their story of how they are second. Now, these stores are available in print form.
Bender says one of the stories is the former lead guitarist for Korn, Brian "Head" Welch. "The video is his story of how he ended up leaving Korn and finding God. So, we have that story in the book. We also have this great story right after that of someone who came to Christ — became second as a result of watching that video."
A personal favorite of Bender's is the Tamera Jolee stage-four cancer story of her being at peace as she prepared to die. "I wrote the whole story, and the day I finished writing her story, she announced to the whole world that she was cancer-free."
While these stories are inspirational, the book is also a tool for evangelism. "The book captures a way that really engages everybody. Everybody loves a great story. It's not argumentative. It's doesn't hit you in the face with a Bible. It's a series of 20 stories that are very engaging, that you feel comfortable giving to a non-Christian and really helping that conversation to start."
While engagement is the first step in the process I Am Second, Bender says, "We also even have a small group system where we help people use this book, use our videos, use the stories in the Bible that relate to these things and have a small group where you can talk about God, Jesus, and what it looks like to be second."
If you'd like to see the videos, click here . If you'd like to get a copy of the book, click here .