Iran (MNN) — “We are praying more than ever before and asking the global body of Christ to pray for the region,” Ansari says.
Iran (MNN) — “We are praying more than ever before and asking the global body of Christ to pray for the region,” Ansari says.
Middle East and North Africa (MNN) — Anti-suicide videos fuel woman’s turn to Jesus
Jordan (MNN) — Let “Peter’s” story encourage you in your discipleship after Christ.
Lebanon (MNN) — Triumphant Mercy shares about the gift of Christ and celebrations
Mali (CAM) — The Gospel transformed the lives of both inmates and an official in one of Mali’s prisons.
Israel/Gaza (MNN) — Hamas releases more hostages as Israel intensifies its airborne assault and Gaza’s death toll soars.
International (CEF) — You can get involved in sharing Jesus with kids through CEF!
South Sudan (MNN) — Four occult leaders among the 16,802 villagers who recently began a relationship with Jesus.
Lebanon (MNN) – Horizons International brings hope to Lebanon in the midst of a pandemic and explosion
USA (MNN) — A new survey suggests that many US adults do not believe eternal life comes from Jesus’ death and resurrection.