Lebanon (MNN) — Lebanon is poised to be a strategic spiritual influence in the Middle East. Approximately one-third of the country identifies as Christian, and the laws safeguard religious freedom and equality. Many Christian groups in Lebanon have made progress sharing the Gospel among local Lebanese, Syrian refugees, and Palestinians.
But so far, they have worked independently. The country’s first ever Movement Day recently mobilized Christian leaders for greater impact together.
Hunter Williamson of Thimar-LSESD says, “This was a one-day conference that brought together more than 100 local Christian leaders from various sectors, including business media, NGOs, and churches.”
“The idea behind the event was to create a venue for local leaders to meet and collaborate in order to promote the Gospel throughout Lebanon. And it was also aimed at fostering unity.”
Movement Day is an initiative that has traveled around the world to connect local Christian leaders and help them start Gospel movements in their area. Learn more here. The conference in Beirut was organized by Thimar-LSESD, Heart For Lebanon, and other ministries. The Supreme Council of Evangelical Community in Syria and Lebanon helped with facilitation of the event.
Speakers at the event emphasized the need to overcome group divisions and pursue a shared vision. During the day, representatives from more than 20 Christian NGOs met together for the first time and began planning how to better support each other moving forward. Watch a video summary here.
Hope at a critical time
The conference has come at a time when Lebanon finds itself in desperate need for hope and peace. Conflict continues between Israel and Hezbollah on the southern border. Civil war in Syria to the north and east has driven an estimated 1.5 million refugees into Lebanon. Meanwhile, more than half of Lebanese people live below the poverty line due to compounded crises.
“All of these sort of initiatives and outcomes to find ways to better promote the gospel, to better provide hope to people, that is just so critical at this time,” Williamson says.
Leaders left with plans for collaboration between churches and NGOs as well as a network for pastors. They have already set the date for another Movement Day next year and begun working towards a Movement Youth Day.
“One of the big ones was the creation of the Christian Businessmen Association,” Williamson says. “And this will provide various forms of support and resources to business leaders.”
Read more about the key results of Movement Day and next steps on Thimar’s website. Pray for Christian leaders in Lebanon to work together for the Gospel.
Photos from Movement Day in Lebanon courtesy of Thimar-LSESD.