Mission India’s biggest-ever matched giving challenge will reach kids with the Gospel

By November 12, 2024

India (MNN) — Today, Mission India is launching its biggest-ever matching challenge. Every dollar donated to Mission India’s 10-Day Children’s Bible Clubs between now and December 31 will be doubled, up to $1 million.

So, what exactly is a 10-Day Children’s Bible Club? Regan Miller with Mission India explains, “It’s like Vacation Bible School on steroids, we like to say. They sing songs, they play together, they do Bible-based skits, they hear Bible stories, and they learn how to pray, and they all have so much fun while they’re doing it.”

Through these Bible Clubs, Mission India partners with local Christian leaders to share the Gospel with children across India.

“Even after the 10 days are up, the locals that led the Bible Clubs are still around,” says Miller. “[They] can continue to build relationships with the families and pour into their lives.”

Miller shares the story of a Bible Club leader, Manpriya, whose ministry impacted an entire family for Christ.

Sachtek (Photo courtesy of Mission India)

A 13-year-old boy named Sachtek was deeply worried after his father, Shibu, suffered a heart attack and was told he wouldn’t fully recover.

“After Shibu came back from the hospital, their neighbor, who was a Christian, came to visit. Her name was Manpriya and she shared the Gospel and offered to pray for Shibu’s healing. As she was praying, Shibu felt the Holy Spirit just overcome him and from that day on, his health started to improve,” says Miller.

“Sachtek was amazed. So when Manpriya invited Sachtek to the 10-Day Bible Club she was going to lead, of course he said yes!

“During the 10 days, Sachtek learned more about the God who healed his dad. He asked Manpriya tons of questions about Jesus and about God’s saving grace, and he ultimately received salvation.”

Today, Sachtec is attending a local church – and you can reach other kids like him.

The majority of believers come to faith in childhood between the ages of 4 and 14. Now is a key time to grow the Gospel’s reach by connecting with Indian kids!

Give today at Mission India’s website here, and see your gift doubled for the Great Commission in India.




Header photo courtesy of Mission India.

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