Indonesia (MNN) — Next, the Indonesian government has asked Mission Aviation Fellowship for help in aid distribution.
With road systems and transportation infrastructure in Sumatra completely destroyed, there’s a huge backup of aid not getting to people who desperately need it. So MAF moved their staff from other bases in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea to help with the emergency relief effort.
And with their smaller aircraft, the Cessna 206, MAF has been flying every hour of daylight possible to reach those devastated areas.
The staff members are working on a rotation for relief efforts, but prayer is definately needed, for safety and for the staff to stay focused. The greatest need MAF has is funding to keep flying the supplies into those needed areas.
Dennis Fulton is with MAF, “Relief supplies are pouring in from all over the world into the big center there at Medan. And so the relief supplies are there, but it’s getting those supplies out to the people where the damage has taken place, and in order to do that, it takes money to keep these airplanes running. So currently, we’re funding that on our own.”
The situation is urgent, and MAF is asking Christians to help. The potential is great in impacting people for Christ. MAF assures people that, as they serve in Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim nation, people will know that it is Christ who is reaching out to them.
And that is ultimately why they are doing this. Fulton says, “This is our opportunity to really be the hands of feet of Jesus, you know, to the folks there in the Aceh Province. And this is what we do in MAF.”
Not only are they helping transport aid into remote, devastated areas, but MAF is also helping to establish communication centers to aid in government and humanitarian work.
The impact on evangelism could be significant, and MAF is trying to be cautious and sensitive as they relate with the government and local leaders there, says Fulton. And “Our hope is that by just meeting the physical needs of the people, (it will) give us the opportunity that they will listen to our actions. I keep thinking of St Francis, who said, ‘Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words.’ And that’s what we’re about at this point in time. Whether it will lead to something else, only time will tell…We’re just trying to be the hands and feet of Jesus.”
Your gift of 50 dollars will help deliver 200 pounds of urgently needed supplies. MAF needs at least 500-thousand dollars immediately to support this effort in the next few weeks. Go to www.maf.org or call toll-free in the USA 800.359.7623 to help with funding.