United Kingdom
(MNN) — Not since 1947 has England
seen such flooding. Much of central England is underwater, and the
British government is looking at a domestic emergency.
Thousands of people have been forced from their homes, and
over 350,000 homes were without running water in Gloucester,
Tewkesbury and Cheltenham. The corresponding
infrastructure has also ground to a halt. Utilities and public transportation are unlikely to resume until well
after the waters recede.
The damages prompted the government to release an extra ten
million pounds (roughly $20M USD) to flood-hit areas but warned the crisis was
"still not over." Officials
say water levels in the Thames were still
causing concern, and flooding of towns along its banks was likely to come.
Greater Europe Mission says their Oakes Holiday Centre camp
ministry is on high ground and remains unaffected by the flood waters. The missionary family also reports their home
also escaped damage.
Please pray for the thousands who are homeless, and pray for
the testimony of the believers who are responding to the emergency.