Matching grant helps Operation Mobilization India and their ships

By July 23, 2009

International (MNN) — Ministering in 110 countries and all
over the sea with their two ships, Operation Mobilization is seeking "to
demonstrate and proclaim the love of God," according to their Web site.

God's love is shared through ministries such as church
planting, evangelism, discipleship and literature distribution. Through literature distribution, OM places Jesus' words of hope in
the hands of people all around the world.

Recently, an OM prayer partner and donor started a
matching grant up to $250,000. According to OM, the money raised "is for
literature and DVDs in many languages to be used in training and encouraging
leaders in at least 50 nations."

While these materials will be used in any of their ministry
areas in need of them, OM India and OM's ships will receive the most.

Logos Hope is especially in need of materials since it was
launched on its maiden voyage on February 19, 2009 from Denmark. Many materials
are still needed for the ship, which will serve about one million people each

Please pray for OM as they undertake this task of raising
funds. Consider partnering with them as even the smallest donation will be

All the gifts they receive in Special Projects will go
toward the literature distribution project. To find out how to give, visit the OM Web site.

One Comment

  • Ratnkar says:

    Dear Brethren greetings in the name of Jesus Christ
    I am Ratnakar age 32, from South India, Janagoan, Warangal Dist, Telangana.
    I have accepted the Lord at the age of 16.and committed my life to serving the Lord at the age of 17. Joined in mission organization OM in 2000July 12th and worked up to the year of 2012 may 3rd, I have got biblical degree of B.Min . By the grace of God past 14 years God helped to me continue in His glorious ministry .
    in the year of 2012 Feb 17, I have got the married to Brighty and she did B.Ed (HI)and she comes from very devoted family and his Parents are Pastoring a Church at Naziabad dist,
    And after 3 months of my marriage my wife was diagnosed with Cancer and we were very much grief situation ,immediately we took her to hospital for treatment she gone through 12 cycles of chemo therapy, and 18 times of Radiation she gone through the pain and agony and also it was very expensive treatment .
    Wonderfully God provided needed some of the finance. Kindly pray for us and see if you can support us as we are in the critical position. Now she is slowly coming back to her normal health.
    As she did Special B.Ed for Deaf and dumb. Her Dream is that she want serve among the physically challenged children. If God Permits us and if you are willing to support us we are having great passion to work .
    We may require following finanace
    • Starting we can run in rented building it will cost per month $500
    • and each children feeding $100 and we are planning to have 35- 50 children in first face days to come we will increase the number.
    • We may also recruit committed teachers at least 5 each teacher honorarium $200 need to pay
    • Church ministry
    Kindly pray for us and see the possibilities to support us .if your happy support us let us know we will send the bank account details.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    With thanks
    Ratnakar & Brighty
    Mobile no: 09849788591

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