Asia (MNN) — Soon, millions of kids and young adults who speak Mandarin at home will have access to the Gospel, thanks to Keys for Kids.
Asia (MNN) — Soon, millions of kids and young adults who speak Mandarin at home will have access to the Gospel, thanks to Keys for Kids.
Chad (MNN) — Church-planting Bible translators make headway in Chad.
Turkiye (MNN) — FMI-supported church planters distribute critical quake relief.
India (MNN) — Mission India’s matching challenge could reach 800,000 kids with the Gospel!
Ethiopia (MNN) — World Missionary Press fills container with millions of Scripture booklets in two Ethiopian languages.
Sudan (MNN) — New Christians work with unfoldingWord to change their label from “unreached” to “reached.”
Sudan (MNN) — Protests continue in Sudan despite a military crackdown that has killed at least 79 people and injured thousands.
Brazil (MNN) — Fundraising and production are underway to send materials to partners in Brazil.
Pakistan (MNN) — One Bible can reach many, and through the Twice as Far campaign, donations in February will be matched.
Uganda (MNN) — Matching gift doubles support of critical expansion