Kenya (MNN) — Do you ever wonder how God uses the money you donate to ministries and causes? Maybe you give as the Spirit leads, then trust God to do the rest.
Last year, someone gave $43 to Kenya Hope. In turn, Executive Director Joy Mueller says the ministry gave an audio Bible to a young man named Koikai who could not read or write.
“He started listening, and the next year [when] we returned, I asked him how many times he had listened. He had listened so many times he almost had the book of Matthew memorized!” she recounts.
“Today, he has learned how to read and write, and he’s now known as ‘the evangelist.’ He’s going out to other villages, preaching and sharing God’s Word.”
The change couldn’t have come at a better time. The COVID-19 pandemic hit Kenya hard; the number of children in need jumped more than 400-percent in 2020. Kenya’s economy shrunk for the first time in nearly 30 years.
People are desperate for good news. “That’s exactly what the audio Bibles bring is hope, and they illuminate the darkness,” Mueller says.

Each solar-powered audio Bible reaches dozens of people with the hope of Christ!
(Photo courtesy of Kenya Hope)
“Psalms 119:105 says, “Your Word is a lamp to my feet in a light to my path.” That is definitely what happens in these rural communities; God’s Word shed(s) light into their lives, and is transforming lives.”
Help Kenya Hope change another life by sending an audio Bible.
“There’s so much we can invest in but that’s all going to burn. The best investment is getting Bibles into people’s hands,” Mueller says.
“The really wonderful thing about audio Bibles is [they] continue to evangelize and preach God’s Word, even after we’re gone. It is especially impactful to older people who are illiterate. Many blind people use this on a daily basis.”
Header image depicts rural Kenyans receiving food aid and audio Bibles from Kenya Hope partners. (Photo courtesy of Kenya Hope)