Kenya (MNN) — Menstrual supplies paired with the Gospel are changing girls’ lives.
Kenya (MNN) — Menstrual supplies paired with the Gospel are changing girls’ lives.
Kenya (MNN) — There’s a new school in town!
Kenya (MNN) — The ministry is hunting for a new executive director.
Kenya (MNN) — A church partner sends a missions team with Kenya Hope.
Kenya (MNN) — The new school will be named after Dave and Joy Mueller.
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya Hope offers specific prayer needs.
Kenya (MNN) — Seasons of grief often lead us to trust the Lord in new ways.
Kenya (MNN) — You can give rural Kenyan communities clean water and Living Water on World Water Day!
USA (MNN) — Muellers remembered with celebration of life service.
Kenya (Kenya Hope) — Missionaries killed in car accident while on outreach.