Kenya (MNN) — Seasons of grief often lead us to trust the Lord in new ways. Kenya Hope and its communities are learning to wait on the Lord amidst hardship and loss.
Last fall, the Kenya Hope team experienced its highest high and lowest low in a four-week span. First, “Our fiscal year ended September 30, and it was a banner year,” Kenya Hope’s U.S. Director Steve Holman says.
“It was the best year we’ve ever had financially in ministry initiatives and new opportunities.”
Then, at the end of October, a car accident tragically claimed the lives of executive directors Dave and Joy Mueller, as well as Holman’s daughter, Julie. The unexpected losses sent shockwaves throughout U.S. and Kenyan communities connected to Kenya Hope.
“Dave and Joy poured their hearts and all their physical and spiritual strength into the Kenya Hope ministry, and they’re suddenly gone,” Holman says.
In a moment, everything changed. Now, no one was at the helm to oversee Kenya Hope’s initiatives. “Unexpectedly, it caused us to raise certain Kenyans to a higher level of responsibility,” Holman says.
“Some of the things that Dave and Joy hoped to put in the hands of Kenyans, now God said, ‘It’s time!’”
Please keep Kenya Hope and its communities in your prayers. “I’d like to be able to announce that we have appointed an Executive Director, but we have not,” Holman says.
“It takes quite a bit of time to get a handle on what we have and where we’re going.”
Know someone who might fit the need? Connect with Kenya Hope here.
“My dream candidate would be veteran missionaries in their 40s with a proven track record of good leadership and cross-cultural skills. And, if it’s not too much, Lord, someone who speaks Swahili already,” Holman says.
Header and story images courtesy of Kenya Hope.