Ghana (MNN) — IN Network has a team of 17 serving
in Ghana this week with both medical clinics and children's ministry.
The medical team has seen just over 1000 people in
four clinic days because there is little access to medical care in the
region. They have
two more clinics in the next two days. Each village is so different; the IN Network team will be treating patients for malnutrition, worm infections, sexually transmitted
diseases, and more.
Each member of the team has been stretched and has
filled various roles in their clinics. Some good news: more medicines arrived just in time for another clinic,
which helped the latest one run smoothly. Team members say they try to make it stretch,
but it seems that they run short at the end of the day on a regular basis.
Pray for safe travel to and from the villages for
the staff and volunteers. Several team
members have fallen ill. Ghanaian
medical help arrives soon. Pray for cooperation, strength, unity, and wisdom.
IN Network is known in Ghana. Since 1984, they've been on the forefront of
the fight against the Trokosi practice, a cruel tradition which removes young
girls from their families to serve as slaves to the village priest.
By negotiating with the priests and pointing out the evils of slavery, IN
Network Ghana has seen thousands of young women set free. With the government
of Ghana now committed to eliminating the Trokosi practice, IN Network Ghana
is determined to free every young girl from slavery.
A big part of the Trokosi Freedom effort is what to do with the women and
children once they are free. The Vocational Training School at Adidome provides
a place for vulnerable women to receive counseling and also to learn the skills
that will help them to provide for their families.
The children of these women are provided with a Christian education at the
IN Network Ghana schools in the Volta region of Ghana. These children, born
in difficult circumstances, receive the tools to escape poverty and live
meaningful lives.