Indonesia (MNN)–Food for the Hungry is on the ground with two teams in quake-damaged Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Country officials admit they’re struggling to cope with the scale of the catastrophe, and declared a three-month state of emergency.
While the death toll tops 4,000, there are over 200,000 homeless, mostly women and children. FH teams are distributing emergency shelter material and other supplies. They’re working in cooperation with both international and local agencies as the needs mount.
Just a few days into the effort, the teams are out pacing the resources. That may soon point to a need for more help.
Also facing the teams are not just the immediate shelter needs, but also the upcoming ones of sanitation and clean drinking water.
With hospitals filled to overflowing, and wounded everywhere, there is a concern about deadly outbreaks. Add to that potable water concerns and broken sewage lines, and that concern grows into alarm,
FH teams are already preparing an appropriate response in the water/sanitation sector in the days to come.
Please continue to pray for those impacted by this devastating earthquake. Pray too that the hands of the teams would reflect the love and hope of Christ to the survivors in this difficult time.