India (MNN) — It's a bad year for flooding in India.
In late June, we told you about an early monsoon in Uttarkhand that killed around 6,000 people. Earlier this week, the government released official figures for the first time: over 580 have died, while 5,474 missing are feared dead.
Now, MNN is following a similar situation in Andhra Pradesh.
"Monsoon flooding is an annual event, but this is the worst they've ever had," says Donna Glass with India Partners.
An estimated 150,000 people in the state's northern region have reportedly been affected, losing both their homes and livelihoods. Nearly 30 rain-related deaths throughout Andhra Pradesh have been reported so far.
In the area in which India Partners cohorts are working, over 5,000 families are stranded by the floodwaters. Some families haven't eaten in over 20 days because they can't get out of their homes.
India Partners associates held a relief camp in recent days, giving out food, cooking oil, soap, and hygiene training.
These simple, yet vital, items are giving survivors a reason to hang on.
"They're given a lot of hope since someone is bringing food in," says Glass.
Since the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) training is based on biblical principles, people don't just get hope for today: they get hope for tomorrow, too. Help India Partners make hope contagious by clicking here.
"$14 will provide the supplies we talked about–the rice, the vegetables, the cooking oil, and soap–for a family," Glass explains.
Pray that WASH training will keep the spread of disease down. Pray for relief to come quickly to families in need.
Pray also that more organizations would become aware of the need in Andhra Pradesh and would focus their efforts there. Help spread the word by hitting the "Share" button at the top of this page.