International (MNN) — Media plays an essential role in children’s ministry.
“We’ve all introduced some kid we know, or our kids, to something we watched as a kid. The same thing happens with Christian programming and programming for tough parts of the world, where there’s not much in their language,” Denise Godwin with International Media Ministries says.
“Our past children’s projects have continued to be used over 20 years.”
Godwin says she wanted to develop something new for kids but lacked the necessary skills. Then, the Lord introduced her to Judy, a children’s evangelist.
“[She] has been doing this for 40+ years, so she’s really good at it,” Godwin says.
“When Judy joined our team, she could extrapolate things that she has used live, and we created a six-part series based on one of her live plays.”

“Red” is a 6-part series that will go out to many languages and many countries, and make way for the brand new 3D series.
(Caption, screenshot courtesy of IMM)
At the end of 2024, IMM began work on a 2D animated series called “Red.” Watch a preview here.
“It’s very loosely based on Little Red Riding Hood,” Godwin says.
“A red-headed girl goes in[to] the forest, and animals try to dissuade her from her quest, and she remembers (Bible) verses from her Aunt Louise that help her persevere and keep going.”
Animation interns and experts from Europe, South America, and the Middle East joined the IMM team.
“We used our staff members and some AI fill-in to do the template voices, and then from there, it’ll go into Arabic and dialects and Polish and German and many, many languages,” Godwin says.
“It’s so cool to work on these projects and feel like God is bringing the team together.”
Pray that “Red” will make the Gospel come alive for kids in hard-to-reach places. Support IMM here to help production continue.
“People are ready for something that brings hope and life, and that’s what Jesus gives us,” Godwin says.
“We hear of people getting saved in so many places through media, through dreams and visions, where traditional missionaries can’t go.”
Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of Kampus Production/Pexels.