International (MNN) — Media plays an important role in children’s ministry.
International (MNN) — Media plays an important role in children’s ministry.
International (MNN) — Gospel workers will have a new tool in their hands before long.
International (MNN) — Several major Christian denominations have “flatlined.”
USA (MNN) — A new format of “Jesus” film engages new audience globally in 2,100 different languages.
International (MNN) — You can be a part of bringing JESUS (2025) to a new generation looking for the hope of Christ.
International (MNN) — The children of today are the Church of tomorrow. Find out how you can help disciple them.
International (MNN) — Style, culture, age present Gospel barriers; ‘Legion’ overcomes them all
USA (MNN) — Voice of the Martyrs hopes to aid ministry in USA churches