International (MNN) — Boldly sharing your faith in Jesus may be simpler than you think in 2025.
“What is it to be a witness for Christ? It’s to tell how His story changed your story, and could change their story forever,” says Ron Hutchcraft with Hutchcraft Ministries.
You have more to tell than simply how you met Jesus: “That would be like somebody asking you, ‘What is marriage like?’ and all you did was tell them about the wedding,” says Hutchcraft.
He says to think about who Jesus has been to you in your day to day. God has given you not one but many stories of who He is and what He has done in your life.
“We are all different from the time we first came to Christ. We are less of some things, we are more of other things. And therein is our story. It is good to write it up,” Hutchcraft says.

(Graphic courtesy Ron Hutchcraft Ministries)
“You are living proof of a living Savior in some way. You are living proof that an angry person could change, that a selfish person could change, that a control freak could change. Or maybe you’re living proof that a depressed person can actually find joy.”
Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the stories He’s given you. Write them down and pray for a chance to share them with someone who needs the same hope you have.
“If I’m talking to a dad, I’ve got my ‘dad hope story’ of what difference Jesus has made with me as a dad,” Hutchcraft says. “If I’m talking to someone who’s lost a loved one, then I’ve got a ‘grieving hope story’ of the difference Jesus made in the greatest loss of my life.”
Hutchcraft says people can argue with what you believe, but they can’t hear your “hope story” and respond “That didn’t happen to you.” Your story is indisputable.
“The best way for you to share Jesus is to tell your story of your life, what life would be or has been without Him, and then to tell that what happened on that middle cross, what happened at that empty tomb, is what you discovered that has changed your life forever,” says Hutchcraft.
“That’s our job, to report what we have seen and heard and experienced with Jesus.”
Who knows how God will use your story? The results are in His hands. Buckle up for the ride!
Header photo is a representative stock photo courtesy of Priscilla Du Preez via Unsplash.