International (MNN) — I Found the Truth helps reach Muslims with the Gospel.
International (MNN) — I Found the Truth helps reach Muslims with the Gospel.
International (MNN) — Boldly sharing your faith in Jesus may be simpler than you think this new year.
France (MNN) — Christians strategically bring the good news of Christ to the 2024 Summer Olympics.
India (MNN) — Maali’s story begins at a Children’s Bible Club.
Mali (CAM) — The Gospel transformed the lives of both inmates and an official in one of Mali’s prisons.
India (MNN) — Struggling to think of a gift for Dad this Father’s Day?
International (JFP) — Jesus Film Project talks faith, fear, and the Great Commission
International (MNN) — It’s easier to share Jesus with others than you may think!
Belize (MNN) — Spiritual warfare is real for God’s people, but Christ overcomes