United States (MNN) — The holidays can be prime time for a family feud. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
“There’s a different vibe in a lot of families right now because of world events, because of things we’ve been through,” says Brad Hutchcraft with Hutchcraft Ministries. “You’ve got people talking about what you should and shouldn’t do with family over the holidays, whether you even should or shouldn’t be with them.”
But if you’re a follower of Christ, those aren’t the voices to listen to. You have a different calling: represent Jesus.
As ambassadors of Christ, Hutchcraft points out one big temptation to avoid at family gatherings: “People view it as ‘This is my one chance to make my point, to make my case for whatever it may be, for my political viewpoint, for my lifestyle.’
“What I really want people to see the holidays as is a time to build a bridge to year-round, ongoing communication with people.
“It doesn’t have to be saying, ‘I am going in here with an agenda,’ but just going in there and saying, ‘Hey, how can I be the hands and feet for Jesus in my family?’”
It might not be easy. Hutchcraft says there’s no sugar-coating that some of us are going into very challenging family environments. Here are five pointers Hutchcraft and his brother, Doug, shared in a recent podcast episode:

Go M.A.D. podcast (Photo courtesy of Hutchcraft Ministries)
- “Prepare your heart beforehand.
- “Look for opportunities to affirm and encourage [your family], even if it’s with someone you disagree with on a lot of things.
- “Be a good listener and really hear what others are saying.
- “Respond with gentleness and respect, whatever the topics are that come up (1 Peter 3:15).
- “Be a safe person. Create a loving atmosphere where people feel comfortable about opening up to you.”
There’s more! Check out the full, candid conversation between the Hutchcraft brothers at their podcast, Go M.A.D. (make a difference). To read about it instead, click here.
“Our desire is to help encourage people to [address the question], ‘How can you be a bridge builder and bring peace to your family during this holiday season?’” Hutchcraft says.
“There’s a lot more that we share [in the podcast episode], and we would love to be a help to people who are looking for some hope this holiday season.”
Header photo is a representative stock image courtesy of Toa Heftiba via Unsplash.