United States (MNN) — The holidays are “a time to build a bridge to year-round communication with people,” says Brad Hutchcraft with Hutchcraft Ministries.
United States (MNN) — The holidays are “a time to build a bridge to year-round communication with people,” says Brad Hutchcraft with Hutchcraft Ministries.
North Korea (VOM) — How will this impact Gospel work?
China (MNN) — Tensions build between China and the U.S.
Ukraine (MNN) — Putin has ordered troops into these regions of Eastern Ukraine.
Iraq (MNN) — Christians in Iraq raise concerns about being targeted in a proxy conflict.
International (MNN) — As Scripture translation becomes more difficult, Wycliffe Associates aims for 400 new translations.
India (MNN) — Rising tensions prompt concern for a nuclear war
DRC (MNN) — Despite tribal conflict, Wycliffe Associates sees God at work
Egypt (MNN) — More Christians expected to leave Egypt as tensions mount
Kenya (MNN) — SIM says violence is affecting work in Kenya and Sudan